The Bathmobile - November 20 2011 at 22:18.
This year I have had some issues with lack of inspiration and the spark just haven't been there. So the lack up updates here on Irry is mostly because not much have happened with the car. But this weekend I finally did some more work with the brakes so today feels like a good day to pos...
The Bathmobile - July 16 2011 at 21:42.
I spent a few hours in the garage this evening troubleshooting the cruise control. The key ingredients here is sucking and blowing! It sounds crazy but sucking and blowing in the vacuum hoses is a good way, maybe the best way, to localize the leak. I also used the vacuum pump in my trou...
The Bathmobile - July 15 2011 at 17:30.
The workshop called me early this morning and said that they had time to look at my car again. So, I draged myself out of bed and rushed in. There weren't much of a discussion when I got in and we immedietly started to suck the system clean and refill it. Once refilled it worked, wooohoo...
The Bathmobile - July 14 2011 at 20:42.
Crazy early this morning I headed back to the workshop for a new pressure test. They filled it up and bought out the digital nose that immediately went bananas when sniffing around the compressor and around the pipe I changed yesterday, GRAAAARGH! We soaked everything in some fluid in h...
The Bathmobile - July 13 2011 at 20:55.
This is a catch-up post for the last few months up until today. In the beginning of June I gave the S2 some new oil and a new filter. When doing this I once again noticed that the oil plug was in a really bad shape. Luckily I bought a new one the last time I swore over it and after a wh...
The Bathmobile - May 02 2011 at 07:10.
My friend who have been welding the splash shields just changed job so he never got to finish the shields. Before he left the old job he did start to weld the splash shields but they are not completed yet. I thought it was a good time to get them back and just test them on the car and y...
The Bathmobile - April 03 2011 at 01:58.
Today I dusted of my non existent SolidWorks skills and CAD'ed the new bracket. I'm pretty happy with the results and I'll just have to double check a few measurements before I send it of to the manufacturer....
The Bathmobile - March 26 2011 at 14:51.
I spent a few hours in the garage today and tried the brakes on the car. I think I have the solution for the new bracket. I will use the original RS6 bracket as a starting point but new bracket will be rotated 180 degrees and adjusted so that the caliper is moved 4.5mm out from the brac...
The Bathmobile - March 25 2011 at 20:28.
Yep, they're really that big. How much they weigh is another story...
The Bathmobile - March 21 2011 at 22:27.
Sweet Jesus! Are they big or are they big!? I love them and I haven't even touched them yet! I bought them from BHV Handel in Germany and they were shipped to my parents who took these pictures (I'm trapped in another city at the moment). I can highly recomend BHV Handel! Great prices a...
November 21 2010.
If you noticed that the RSS feeds were acting dodgy lately, the bug has been fixed! All back to normal...
July 05 2010.
I forgot to take the site online after upgrading... Anyway, now it's online again!
November 23 2009.
Some days ago, Tacq sent us the content which was residing on his old webserver. I have now added all the QUL content to the page!
By JENS January 02 2010.
Nä skau ni uppdätera sidan litte på era räjsiga audis! De ä nästan så de smälle av i brallan nä man...
By yoggi September 24 2019.
Re: Killed CV joint, MTM cluster & Treser taillights
By yoggi July 03 2019.
Maybe i did closer to 1000 vroom-vroom-starter
Re: Bussningar, coilovers & koppling
By yoggi July 03 2019.
Gearbox change together with Boe outside of Kalmar, some kind of world record i think! =) Thanks...